Tuesday, 30 December 2008

And I'm off...

In just a couple of minutes I leave the house on the first stage of my big adventure.  As usual, I'm slightly behind schedule, so this post will have to be quick!

Right now, I'm somewhere between fantastically excited and still can't quite believe it.  

I wanted to write more now but I have to go.  Next time you hear from me I'll be in Israel, with details of the Birthright trip.

Ella x

Saturday, 27 December 2008


This is my longest and most adventurous traveling expedition by far.  I'd love to hear from anybody who has been on a trip such as this with any advice about how to make my gap year travels as successful as possible.  

Also, if anyone has been to any of the countries that I'm going to (Israel, Nepal, Australia, New Zealand and Japan) and has any tips about places to visit, things to do, good and cheap accommodation, etc. please let me know.

My new travel blog

Welcome to my new blog!  This is where you can keep up to date with my gap year adventures.  Whilst I can't guarantee that reading about my travels will be as fun as being on them, you can expect over the next seven months to get a taste of the following:
  • The Birthright trip to Israel
  • Volunteering at a school in Nepal
  • Trekking in Nepal
  • A day in New Delhi 
  • Gadding in Australia
  • More gadding in New Zealand
  • Temples, gardens and lots of sushi in Japan
And that's just for starters.

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited.  Not long now - I head off on December 30th.

But first, packing...