Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Horse riding at Cape Trib
To Cape Tribulation
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Port Douglas
Port Douglas, an hour further north, was a joy in comparison and would have been a joy even without comparison. I like it immediately. It is the place in Australia with most millionaires per capita and it feels suitably classy, not to mention expensive. I was still pretty tired from my exertions on Hinchinbrook and so spent a happy afternoon pottering around the town, eating lunch on Four Mile Beach, watching birds in Anzac Park, and soaking up the unhurried environment that comes from being in a tropical Far North Queensland. And just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, I found a hotel screening the French Open on a big outdoor screen. Happy times!
Monday, 1 June 2009
A note about dates
Starting with my posts about Australia, I have been altering the post options so that the date that appears with each entry corresponds to the date that I actually did the activity, not the date that I wrote about it. This post, for example, is being written on July 15th, but is dated June 1st as that is the point that I'm currently up to in terms of recounting my adventures.
I have been handwriting a daily journal plus have a good memory for what I've been doing and how I felt about it, so writing accurately about what I did a month and a half ago isn't be a problem.
Hinchinbrook: Day 4

Sunday, 31 May 2009
Hinchinbrook: Day 3

By the time we got to the campsite, I was as wet as I have ever been in my whole life. I felt far wetter than coming out of a bath, shower or swimming pool, because not only was I wet, but all my clothes were too. My beloved hiking boots were soaked inside and out. The manufacturer's claims of them being waterproof obviously doesn't extend to wading bum-deep through a creek:

Saturday, 30 May 2009
Hinchinbrook: Day 2, Part 2

Hinchinbrook: Day 2, Part 1

Friday, 29 May 2009
Hinchinbrook: Day 1

We ate lunch on the beach at Nina Bay, under the coconut palms. It had a tuna, avocado and sand wrap, followed by an apple, cinnamon and sand tea.

We spent the evening wandering around the beach, admiring the mistiness of the lagoon and splendour of Mt Bowen which, at 1121m, dominates the island:
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Hinchinbrook: Introduction and Luke
Monday, 25 May 2009
Top End: Day 5
The main reason I'd signed up on the 5 day as opposed to the 3 day tour was the chance to spend a day canoeing in Katherine Gorge but I'd been told, an hour into the trip (the same time I realised I'd been booked onto the wrong tour), that gorge was closed to paddlers until further notice due to a pesky saltwater crocodile who was resisting capture and who was liable to make life a misery for said paddlers, if indeed it let them continue in life at all. Instead we were to take a cruise.
Imagine my dismay, then, when, as we boarded the boat, I saw other visitors climb into canoes and paddle off. The park services had opened up the river that morning but too late for us. My enjoyment of the cruise was therefore severely tempered. That was a shame because really the gorge is quite lovely:

Sunday, 24 May 2009
Top End: Day 4

Because Marcus liked us so much, he took us to a place that he doesn't normally take groups. This was Moline Falls. It is not marked on any visitor maps. There is no sign to it from the road. There are very few tour companies that have a permit to take people there. Marcus described it as a 'boutique' falls. Whilst it is not as impressive, in terms of height or volume of water, as the main waterfall attractions, it was totally unspoilt, a splendid swimming spot and felt like a very special place to be:

Marcus took us next to Edith Falls and, still holding good on his word to give us an active tour, took us on a longer walk than he otherwise would have to its upper pools for yet more swimming. I should mention that, throughout the tour, the daytime temperature was in excess of 30 degrees - any opportunity to cool down was always welcome.
A couple of shots of the river between the upper and lower of Edith's pools:
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Top End: Day 3
The day improved when we went to Jim Jim, an impressive waterfall with water tumbling down 170m. It was all the better for requiring a 45min drive along a bumpy 4WD track and a 45 minute walk to get there. The ensuing swim and scrambling over the surrounding rocks was heavenly.
Unfortunetly, three members of our group, including Luke, were leaving that lunchtime (they were only booked onto the three day tour). They had been the source of so much hilarity that we were all sad to see them go. Such was the cohesion of our group. We got a group photo first. (Luke is second from left in the front):

Kakadu is full of termite mounds. These extraordinary cathedral like structures are built by these incredible insects at a rate of about a metre every ten years. This one is about 50 years old:

The day rounded off with another swim in another waterfall plunge pool, this time at Gunlom Falls. That's the kind of repetitiveness I can cope with! Actually, whilst it may be repetitive to read about, it wasn't at all to visit them. Each waterfall is so different and each has its own charm or power.
We slept in swags. These are essentially large bags of very thick canvas with a mattress at the bottom. You find a spot outdoors, put a sleeping bag inside, zip the canvas up over you and you're as snug as anything under a blanket of stars. And what stars! The night sky out there rivaled the one I'd seen from the Negev. It was actually a pleasure to wake up in the middle of the night and get another look at it.
Friday, 22 May 2009
Top End: Day 2
Our first stop was Ubirr to admire and learn about the aboriginal rock art. You can tell that this man was considered a powerful hunter because of his very big penis:

I explained yesterday how I was on the wrong tour. In fact, of the thirteen of us, there were five who had ended up in that position (quite what that says about the organisation of the company we'll just mention in passing). The other eight were all game for upping the active and Marcus, true to his word, obliged. That afternoon, for example, he took us to climb a big rock in the Nourlangie area of the park, with views to rival that from Ubirr, but far quieter because of the relative difficulty of getting up there. The sense of vastness was even more impressive here.

Thursday, 21 May 2009
Top End: Day 1
There were dozens of people at the meeting point and we were split up into four groups for four different tours. It was with some dismay that I watched the active looking types who were about my age be put in different groups whilst I was left in a group with people who were either a fair bit older or younger. Possibly because it was 6am and I was grumpy, but with the exception of one woman, I didn't immediately warm to anyone in our group. One guy, I couldn't help but note, had murderous eyes. There was also a group of young backpackers, one of whom in particular, looked like trouble and I couldn't imagine having anything in common with him. This was Luke. I turned out that I couldn't have been more wrong in my initial, judgmental impression. He was such a quality guy that within half an hour of speaking him I'd invited him along to come on the Hinchinbrook walk with me. He accepted. But that trip is a whole other story for a whole other blog post.
About an hour into the five day tour, I realised that I'd been booked onto the wrong trip. I had wanted to go with a company called 'Wilderness 4WD (W4WD)' but was instead on a trip by another company run by the same conglomerate, 'Adventure Tours Australia (ATA)'. The two had almost identical itineraries (though in a different order), but W4WD was geared to fit, active youngsters and had great hikes and slept under the stars in swags in remote locations and ATA was not. Needless to say, I was not pleased. In fact, I was angry, and I almost never get angry.
The tour guide, Marcus, could sense my displeasure (maybe something to do with the fact that I was kicking things and swearing not quite under my breath). He was sympathetic to the mix up and assured me that he'd lead as active a tour as he could. His response, plus my general tendency towards positive thinking, soon had me resolved to enjoy myself whatever the case. This was, after all, still five days in an incredibly beautiful part of the world.
Our first stop was Florence Falls in Litchfield National Park, where we spent a good half hour swimming in the plunge pool, which did much to restore my mood (despite having my toe nibbled by an entirely too curious fish). I wasn't kidding about incredibly beautiful part of the world:

Our next stop was Fogg Dam, to admire the wetland birdlife:

(I had a beautiful photo of the river that I'd uploaded to include with the post, but I've just accidentally deleted it. Hopefully, at some point I'll be able to put it in again.)
Many of the croc spotting cruises that get marketed to tourists are terribly gimmicky, with farm-reared crocs trained to jump for the amusement of the crowds. Not so ours, thankfully. The cruise guide, Ol' Ted, was passionate and knowledgeable about crocs, and appropriately scared of them. We saw one that was nearly 5 metres long - that's a big croc. Despite what you see on TV, most of the time crocs just lie on the river banks, but we got a special treat. We got to see this beast eating and I can tell you that those were not jaws I would want to be caught in.
On the drive to the campsite we passed, and I say this with no exaggeration, one of the most spectacularly beautiful and dramatic sights I have ever seen. The forest was on fire. A controlled fire, I hasten to add. Aboriginals have been burning the forest just after the wet season for thousands of years. It clears out the overgrown grasses but the trees retain enough water to survive the fires. This burning significantly decreases the chances of far worse, uncontrolled fires raging through during the dry season. Moreover, the area's ecosystem has evolved around this and now several animals and plants require this burning for their survival.
Anyway, as we drove through the forest, the ground around us was on fire. The bright orange of the flames was matched by the equally bright orange of the sunset. In between, the trees were silhouetted with smoke rising from them. It was stunning. Unfortunately, we couldn't stop for photos, but I did take this one later in the evening, away from the fire.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Before arriving in Australia, I hadn't considered visiting the Top End but Caro pretty much threatened to disown me as a goddaughter if I didn't make it up there. It happened to be the best time of the year for visiting that part of the country - just after the wet season, when the parks are still lush and before they get ridiculously hot. However, in terms of tourism, it's only the beginning of the peak season, so it wouldn't be overly crowded.
So, from Sydney I flew to Darwin, where I had three days to kill before the tour I'd booked into set off.
My time in Darwin did not get off to a good start. I hated the hostel I'd booked into from the moment I walked into the door and the entire experience of staying there did little to challenge that initial reaction. Moreover, none of my bank cards were working and I hardly had any cash. Sorting that out was a saga in itself (I'll spare you the details) and, by the time I was able to head off to the Mindel Beach Sunset Market, the sun had already set. I got lost walking there in the dark. It was a terrible evening.
Though I never really took to Darwin as a whole, there were some excellent activities to keep me amused. The first thing I did was to visit the Supreme Court, where I'd heard there was a worthwhile mosaic. Indeed, there was. Once I was there, and I'm not sure what possessed me to do this, I sat in on one of the court sessions. I was the only spectator of a dispute between an ex-husband and wife over the financial settlement. Because the woman was representing herself, the judge kept on explaing what she could and couldn't do, as well as some of the legalese, which was very helpful for me too! Ultimately it felt somewhat too voyeuristic for my liking and I left before any verdict was announced.
Later that day I visited the Australian Pearling Exhibition, which I was enjoying before it become increasingly obvious that it was essentially one big ad for the Paspaley jewellery company. That evening, I got chatting to a guy at the hostel who had in his favour a striking physical resemblance to Brad Pitt. On the downside, personality and intelligence-wise, he turned out to be rather like said actor in 'Burn After Reading'.
The next day I spent six utterly engrossing hours at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory. They have an exceptionally fine collection of Aboriginal art and artefacts, an excellent natural history room full of Australia's weird and wonderful creatures, a moving exhibit on Cyclone Tracy, which had absolutely ravaged Darwin in 1974, a show of artworks by high school leavers, some of which were genuinelly super, a special show on crocidilians and, to top it off, a massive maritime gallery.
After all that there was little else I was inclined to do but sit in an air-conditioned cinema. Caro had strongly recommended that I see 'Samson and Delilah' (which since won an award at Cannes), set in a small aboriginal community in Central Australia. The story follows a young man and woman and the tagline is 'True Love'. I found it both beautiful and frustrating. Frustrating because there was almost no dialogue and I couldn't understand the central relationship. The more I later learnt about aboriginal customs, the more sense the film made. It was a fascinating insight into a culture I knew almost nothing about.
One of my Darwin highlights was a trip to the botanic gardens. It has been a dream of mine for the last 16 years, since we did a primary school project on trees, to visit the rainforest. That was coming soon (I'd planned a trip to the Daintree Rainforest in Far North Queensland). In the meantime, the rainforest loop in the Darwin gardens whet my appetite for it. There was also a self-guided tree walk, which took us to trees unlike any I'd seen before. My favourite was the cannon-ball tree, with its pink and yellow blossom and cannon-ball shaped seeds hanging stright off the trunk:

Surf school
I cannot even begin to express how much fun it was. I adore being in the water, so simply getting to splash around in the ocean was exciting. The power of the waves was exhilarating. I was lucky to have private lessons with a super teacher, Fiona, who got me up in no time. By the end of the first lesson I had stood up on the board, which is far easier said than done. In the second lesson I was making progress, though that still meant more misses than not when it came to getting up on the board. It could hardly have been a lovelier setting though. The beach was almost deserted, Fiona and I were the only ones in the water and, to top it off, the sun was setting. The soft and subtle colours in the sky felt incongruous against the crashing water. It was almost too perfect - more like a movie set than real life. It brought to mind the ending of The Truman Show.
The third lesson was a bit of a set back. Previously, Fiona had been pulling me and my board out to the best waves but now I was deemed ready to do paddle myself. I'm a pretty strong swimmer, but paddling in the ocean is a completely different matter to swimming laps in the pool. By the time I'd get myself into a good spot, I didn't have quite enough strength left in my arms for the necessary explosion of my body into standing position once the wave came.
In the fourth lesson it all came together. It was a beautiful day, the waves were just right and I was getting some pretty good rides. When it was nearing the time to go in, Fiona was adamant that my last wave should be a good one. It took a few more tries but then I caught a corker. I was able to ride it right into the beach, a good 20 metres or so, by far the best I'd done in any of the lessons. It was a magnificent way to end. Having had to work so hard for it, having had so many previous failed attempts, made it all the better. It will surely rate as one of the best moments of my whole gap year.