Sunday, 24 May 2009

Top End: Day 4

As lovely as the plunge pool at the bottom of Gunlom Falls, where we'd been the day before, was, the real treat is the pools at the top, where one can swim and gaze out over an abundance of park at the same time:

Being there, I couldn't help but think "I wonder what everyone else I know is doing right now" and conclude that it was unlikely to be anything like as amazing as what I was experiencing.

Because Marcus liked us so much, he took us to a place that he doesn't normally take groups. This was Moline Falls. It is not marked on any visitor maps. There is no sign to it from the road. There are very few tour companies that have a permit to take people there. Marcus described it as a 'boutique' falls. Whilst it is not as impressive, in terms of height or volume of water, as the main waterfall attractions, it was totally unspoilt, a splendid swimming spot and felt like a very special place to be:

Marcus took us next to Edith Falls and, still holding good on his word to give us an active tour, took us on a longer walk than he otherwise would have to its upper pools for yet more swimming. I should mention that, throughout the tour, the daytime temperature was in excess of 30 degrees - any opportunity to cool down was always welcome.

A couple of shots of the river between the upper and lower of Edith's pools:

That evening, we cracked open a few beers (as, indeed, we had done every night of the tour), watched the sunset (always impressive in the Top End) and reflected on what a good tour it had been so far, with still one more no doubt fabulous day to come.

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