Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Hinchinbrook: Introduction and Luke

I've already described the circumstances by which I came to book onto the Thorsborne Trail on Hinchinbrook Island in this post.

Hinchinbrook Island is situated off the coast across from Cardwell, which is three hours south of Cairns.  At 399 km^2, it's the largest island national park in Australia.  The Thorsborne Trail runs 32km on the eastern side of the island (the side not looking back over the mainland) and is fairly flat.  The trail is most comfortably walked in three and a half days.  It is widely considered to be one of the greatest walks in the world.  Having just come off the Annapurna Circuit, I thought to myself that this would be a relative doddle.  As to whether I was right in that presumption you'll have to wait until the conclusion to find out.

I have also already briefly mentioned Luke, whom I met on the Top End tour and whom I asked to join me for this bushwalk.  If anyone had told me that I would opt to spend five days with a 19 year-old, grungy metal enthusiast who smokes like a chimney, swears like a trooper and uses 'gay' as a descriptor for anything he thinks is stupid or lame, I'd have laughed in their face.  Luke was all this, but also fantastically bright, extremely well read, extensively travelled and a talented musician.  He was also hilarious.  I couldn't have asked for a better companion.

I learnt a lot from him, in particular about not judging people from first impression (it is, of course, something I try never to do, but to my shame, I did with him).  Also, he was fresh out of school, and the worst kind of London comp at that, so he had lots of good tips about how, as a teacher, I should cope with 15 year old versions of himself.  I think now that if I ever have boys in my class who are obnoxious and getting themselves into all kinds of trouble, I'll think to myself, "it's OK, maybe they'll turn out like Luke".  In return, Luke learnt why one shouldn't use 'gay' as a generic insult!

Like I did for the Annapurna trek, I'll be writing up a day by day account of the Thorsborne Trail, mostly so I have enough blog space to put up lots of pretty pictures, though I'll probably keep the text to a few anecdotes and captions.

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