Friday, 20 February 2009

Banu's Total Fitness

It turns out that a month-long diet of shwarma, felafel, hummus and ice-cream, along with no exercise to speak of during the same period, is not so kind on the waistline. So it was that I left Israel considerably bigger and less fit than I had been in the months beforehand.

Despairing the fact that I went from being my fittest and slimmest to my heaviest and unfittest in the space of about five months, I have joined a gym in Kathmandu. A number of the teachers from MotherCare go, so there's usually someone to work out with. I've been every day since I signed up on Monday and I've been in pain ever since! My abs, in particular, seem not to have been used in years and resent the fact they are being made to do so now. The gym instructor actually laughed as I struggled to lift 2.75kg dumbells over my head and I was easily the least coordinated person in aerobics class, flailing my limbs around in a way that barely resembled the instructor's movements. On the plus side, they have really good showers.

The knowledge of fitness levels required for the two week trek that I plan to undertake in April, plus a desire to fit into my jeans again, will keep me going. There were brief moments when I was actually enjoyin the aerobics class and I trust that the fun/pain ratio will improve as I keep going.

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