Friday, 13 March 2009

A month in

I've been in Kathmandu just over a month now and the last week has been a little rough. That's why I haven't posted in a while. I didn't want my brief stint of negativity to pour out onto the blog. Briefly, the problem was two-fold. Firstly, I started to miss my family and friends. I'm not homesick, per se, but I was missing people and frustrated at my inability to contact anyone (electricity, internet access and time differences weren't lining up in my favour). Secondly, a good deal of Kathmandu's dirt and pollution has lodged itself into my lungs resulting in a nasty, hacking cough, two days in bed and just a general despondency.

I've turned a courner now. My naturally postive outlook on things couldn't let me mope for more than a few days. I've been able to speak to the people I really wanted to. I've been reminding myself that I can't expect every moment of my six months away to be stumpedously awesome. And there's so much to look forward to, not least of which is the wedding party for Sapna's brother, Supreet, and his wife Sangita. The wedding ceremony was yesterday and that will get a full post of its own as soon as I'm able to upload the photos.

Since I'm very behind on writing, you can expect several new posts in the next few days (electricity permitting).

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