Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Final goodbyes

I've already written a post describing how I felt in those last few moments before leaving Kathmandu. Here are some final photos taken in the last few moments before I left.

Kansi-didi, Sita and baby Mihir. The first two kept Spana and Rabi's house in excellent order, the latter did his best to mess it all up again!

The repair shop round the corner where my bike spent much of its early life (before I replaced the inner-tube, after which it gave me no more trouble).

My final meal in Nepal. This is dal bhat, but school canteen style (from MotherCare) and not nearly as appetising as the dal bhat from trekking days:

My final moments were lovely. Kansi-didi, Sita and Rabi had prepared a small leaving ceremony for me, lining the doorway with flowers and presenting me with a silk scarf as a sign of respect. I was extremely moved. And then I was off.

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